
come + stay awhile

Our mission is to build community through dance, beauty and wellness. Here, you can come as you are but you will leave better than you came. We embrace diversity and body-neutrality. all humans are always welcome here.

i’m just a regular, degular, shmegular girl from the bronx trying to help as many people in this life as i can.

work, shake, flex, slay

work, shake, flex, slay

meet the founder

Hola! It’s yah girl arlene. aka the arlene garcia. aka aka queen arlene. as a 36 year old, wife, boy mom x3, dog momma, gemini, ennegram 3w4, full time employee, turn up dance fitness instructor and seint partner, i am one busy lady. i want to show you that you can dream it, beleive it and have it all. with enough planning, manifesting, action and follow thru, you can live the life that you’ve always wanted. let’s join hands and do the damn thing together!

work, shake, flex, slay

work, shake, flex, slay

INSPIRING STRENGTH and BUILDING community through judgment-free dance